Creating a Life You Love Programs

Here are the various coaching packages we offer for Creating a Life You Love Programs. Each program has distinct advantages depending upon the individual’s schedule, needs, and budget. We also offer an easy installment payment plan.

A distinct advantage of joining our program is that one receives a lifetime membership, which means that if down the line, after completing the program additional help is needed due to challenging life circumstances, we will offer support through a one- time 30-minute consultation, free of charge.  We know that at times we are all in need of someone who listens and understands. We offer this invaluable service because we sincerely care and believe in our clients.

Upon Completion of any of our four programs, the individual will receive a certificate of completion, in honor of attaining achievement and commitment to become their personal best! We know that our clients have put in tremendous time and effort to realize their goals and live with a greater sense of fulfillment of joy. We want this certificate to be an ever reminder of how far they have come!  We are rooting for everyone we work with and want their ongoing success! A $100 value, and our free gift to you simply for completing the program.

In addition to these gifts of exceptional value, for signing up for our program, each client will receive a copy of The Golden Castle Healing Guided Visualization, to utilize the healing power of the subconscious mind. Developed and copyright of Dr Seymour. A $25.00 value and our gift to you.

Now that you have seen some of the added bonuses for signing up for one of our exceptional custom programs, let’s go over the individual benefits, and find out which is right for you!

The Individual Life Plan – $100

This fully customized plan is created for the individual following completion of the free consultation and intake form. This unique personal growth plan offers tools and strategies to effectively address challenges and support the creation of a more optimal way of approaching life. The Plan addresses all issues from a mind/body/emotional perspective and identifies strategies for the individual to implement in order to experience lasting changes to their reality. This is an excellent investment to begin on the journey to wellbeing.

The Lifestyle and Wellness Assessment – $300

3 one-hour coaching sessions, that offers support, motivation, insight, and inspiration on one’s path toward a better life and self!

A custom ninety-day plan of action to help one move through challenging states, access their inner power, and achieve their goals!

Daily Activities adapted from The Bear and The Butterfly and holistic psychology curriculum, for a greater sense of who they really are and to experience emotional integration, health, and strength.

Three “Healing Through Creativity” activities to access one’s artistic voice and creative problem-solving skills to envision the life they dream of.

Weekly check-ins, to determine personal progress, and overall wellbeing.  

The Level One Program – $600

6 one-hour coaching sessions, that offers support, motivation, insight, and inspiration on one’s path toward a better life and self!

A custom 6-month “Individual Life Plan” of action to help one move through challenging states, access their inner power, and achieve their goals!

Daily Activities adapted from The Bear and The Butterfly and holistic psychology curriculum, for a greater sense of who they really are and to experience emotional integration, health, and strength.

Six “Healing through Creativity” activities to access one’s artistic voice and creative problem-solving skills to envision the life they dream of.

Weekly check-ins, to determine personal progress, and overall wellbeing. As well as an additional 9 month and twelve months check-ins to chart progress.

The Level One Program – $600

6 one-hour coaching sessions, that offers support, motivation, insight, and inspiration on one’s path toward a better life and self!

A custom 6-month “Individual Life Plan” of action to help one move through challenging states, access their inner power, and achieve their goals!

Daily Activities adapted from The Bear and The Butterfly and holistic psychology curriculum, for a greater sense of who they really are and to experience emotional integration, health, and strength.

Six “Healing through Creativity” activities to access one’s artistic voice and creative problem-solving skills to envision the life they dream of.

Weekly check-ins, to determine personal progress, and overall wellbeing. As well as an additional 9 month and twelve months check-ins to chart progress.

The Advanced Level Program – $1200

The Advanced Level Program was $1200, we are offering a SPRING DISCOUNT of $300. Take advantage of this great discount and receive the Advanced program for $900!!!

Today only you will receive the Advanced program for $900!!!

12 one-hour coaching sessions that offer support, motivation, insight, and inspiration on one’s path toward a better life and self!

A custom 6-month “Individual Life Plan” of action to help one move through challenging states, access their inner power, and achieve their goals!

Daily Activities adapted from The Bear and The Butterfly and holistic psychology curriculum, for a greater sense of who they really are and to experience emotional integration, health, and strength.

12 ”Healing through Creativity” activities to access one’s artistic voice and creative problem-solving skills to envision the life they dream of.

Weekly check-ins, to determine personal progress, and overall wellbeing. As well as an additional 9 month and twelve months check-ins to your progress.  

Upon successful completion of the program, one will receive a special gift to show progress and help sustain the inspiration and commitment towards personal growth.

The Mastery Level Program – $2400

The Mastery Level Program was $2400, we are offering a SPRING DISCOUNT of $600. Take advantage of this great discount and receive the Mastery Level program for $1800!!!

Today only you will receive the Mastery Level program for $1800!!!

24 one-hour coaching sessions, that offers support, motivation, insight, and inspiration on one’s path toward a better life and self!

A custom 6-month “Individual Life Plan” of action to help one move through challenging states, access their inner power, and achieve their goals!

Daily Activities adapted from The Bear and The Butterfly and holistic psychology curriculum, for a greater sense of who one really is and to experience emotional integration, health, and strength.

24 “Healing through Creativity” activities to access one’s artistic voice and creative problem-solving skills to envision the life you dream of.

Weekly check-ins, to determine personal progress, and overall wellbeing. As well as an additional 9 month and twelve months check in to chart progress.

Upon successful completion of the program, one will receive a special gift to show progress and help sustain the inspiration and commitment towards personal growth.

The Mastery Level Program – $2400

The Mastery Level Program was $2400, we are offering a SPRING DISCOUNT of $600. Take advantage of this great discount and receive the Mastery Level program for $1800!!!

Today only you will receive the Mastery Level program for $1800!!!

24 one-hour coaching sessions, that offers support, motivation, insight, and inspiration on one’s path toward a better life and self!

A custom 6-month “Individual Life Plan” of action to help one move through challenging states, access their inner power, and achieve their goals!

Daily Activities adapted from The Bear and The Butterfly and holistic psychology curriculum, for a greater sense of who one really is and to experience emotional integration, health, and strength.

24 “Healing through Creativity” activities to access one’s artistic voice and creative problem-solving skills to envision the life you dream of.

Weekly check-ins, to determine personal progress, and overall wellbeing. As well as an additional 9 month and twelve months check in to chart progress.

Upon successful completion of the program, one will receive a special gift to show progress and help sustain the inspiration and commitment towards personal growth.

We offer these amazing life-changing programs of exceptional value through an easy installment payment plan, because we want these services to be accessible and so one can start living the life they dream of.

We also realize that life can have unexpected changes, therefore, we offer the option to pause your program in the occurrence of an unexpected life change.  We offer this choice to pause the program because we want everyone to complete it when they are able.  The life skills we teach are invaluable, and we don’t want anyone to miss out in the face of an unfortunate event.  We do not recommend this option simply because our greatest challenges are our greatest teachers, and we want one to have guidance and support through the process.

If after completing the program, one has not witnessed any improvement in their mental, emotional, and physical health, as well as no noted improvement in their external reality, we will offer extended support via consultations and tools. We make certain that one is actively participating throughout the program.  There is no such thing as a magic cure for our problems! The magic is in the method, and in doing the work. We are certain that you will surprise yourself and reach the stars!